domingo, 16 de enero de 2022

POST 7... The last...


This post may seem like a story, but it is reality. In 1997, at the age of 17, I was a first-year Biochemistry student at the University of Chile. Now, in 2019 (more than 20 years later) I returned to the University of Chile, but as a Chemistry and Pharmacy student.

I tell you this, because my experience tells me that things have not changed much at the University and most of the changes that exist today are thanks to the pandemic.

I think the curriculum is fine, but I would just add some basic computer and programming courses that would be very helpful. On the other hand, it would allow education in a hybrid mode, since there are courses that can be done 100% online and the duration of the classes in blocks of 1 hour between small breaks...

The infrastructure is much better than it was in the 90s, but what still hasn't changed are the chairs, which are very uncomfortable. At the end of the class you are left with a great back pain and they are extremely uncomfortable to take notes and answer the tests...

Another thing that hasn't changed is the library and the computer room, which are literally from the last century... I hope that future generations will enjoy new improvements in the computer area and can have better chairs...


 Time travel to the future

To be honest, for me it is much more interesting to travel to the past like Marty McFly in "Back to the future"... and as they say, "All past times were better". But we have a one-way arrow and today we will travel to the future.

I would like to look at Chile in about 30 years. Travel through time to the year 2052 and thus be able to see my children happy and with their goals fulfilled, see what their lives are like with their families and see if my role as a father was good. I would like to know what memories you have of me and my wife. My son Fernando would be 47 years old, my son Martín would be 42 and my little Victoria would be 34 years old. It would be beautiful to be able to travel through time and observe them as they are.

After observing and enjoying them for a few moments, I would return to my time, because I would like to be able to see how they walk along that path that led them to that future. I would like to live those moments by their side and be able to guide them on that path. I know you would be very proud of them.

martes, 4 de enero de 2022


My future job

When I was a child, I always wondered ... What would be the job that I would do when I grew up? To be honest, this question did not have a very clear answer, but if I can say that when I was older, I wanted to be a scientist ...

When I was a kid, I always saw those cartoons where a mad scientist appeared, with his white apron and his big mustache, with his gray hair in the Albert Einstein style. This was the classic prototype of the scientist he wanted to be. Then when I was a little older, there was a great movie that I think deeply affected me. The movie was called "Outbreak" and it was at this point that I discovered what I wanted to do. Working in a high security laboratory (Biosafety Laboratory level 4), with the most lethal viruses in the world and with those famous “Teletubies” suits ... It is something that I have had to rethink, since I think about my family and I would not like to leave them alone because some careless person forgot to close the door ... JAJAJAJAJA ...

I always liked this world very much and I have prepared and specialized in some related topics. I am a Biochemist by profession and I am currently finishing my degree in Chemistry and Pharmacy, I also have studies in Cell and Molecular Biology, and other studies in Virology, which allow me to have the basis to understand this world. I do not lose hope that one day I will meet one of these laboratories ...


POST 7... The last...

CHANGES TO MY STUDY PROGRAMME This post may seem like a story, but it is reality. In 1997, at the age of 17, I was a first-year Biochemistry...